Photographs by Liborio Justo


Georgias Islands
Photographs by Liborio Justo


New York
Photographs by Liborio Justo




1930's New York. Vintage Photographs by Berenice Abbott, Sol Prom, Joseph Kaplan and Liborio Justo
Howard Greenberg Gallery
New York, USA


In search of the truth. Photographs by Liborio Justo.
"Isaac Fernández Blanco" Hispanic Art Museum
Buenos Aires, Argentina


In search of the truth. Photographs by Liborio Justo

Apoquindo 3300 Art Center
Santiago, Chile


Liborio Justo. Passion and struggle
Biblioteca Nacional
Buenos Aires, Argentina



²  Liborio Justo, a Passionate Photographer
      by Abel Alexander

²  The Landscape of Theory
by Jorge Luis Cometti

²  Liborio Justo’s Photographs
 by Rosendo Fraga

²  Liborio Justo (1902-2003)
by Rogelio García Lupo

²  Liborio Justo
      by Mónica Justo



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